Complex PTSD and Dissociation: 6 techniques to cope with it

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder or C-PTSD refers to the mental condition when a person experiences the symptoms of PTSD with additional symptoms. One of the symptoms of C-PTSD is dissociation. Dissociation refers to the experience of not relating to a period of time and dissociating from the present environment or reality. "When we've endured trauma, particularly in our formative years where we weren't cared for as we should have been, we had to adapt to survive in our environment. Often, this adaptation involved dissociating from painful memories and experiences. This can occur when we've faced other overwhelming challenges in our lives. These coping mechanisms from our past can affect us in adulthood. We might unconsciously employ them to protect ourselves, but they can also hinder us from fully engaging in life now," wrote Therapist Linda Meredith.

Complex PTSD and Dissociation: 6 techniques to cope with it(Shutterstock)
Complex PTSD and Dissociation: 6 techniques to cope with it(Shutterstock)

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Here are a few techniques to cope with Complex PTSD and dissociation:

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Grounding exercises: We need to learn to engage our senses by smelling, touching or tasting something that brings us back to the present.

Breathing exercises: Deep breathing techniques on a daily basis help us to calm the nervous system and make us feel safe in the present environment.

Visual anchors: Vishal cues such as a photograph or an artwork that we connect with can help us to retrace ourselves back to the present.

Physical activity: Physical movements, such as stretching, dancing, walking or exercising can help us to feel better and associate with reality.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Engage with different muscle groups from the toes to the head and tense and relax them.

Temperature change: sudden temperature changes experienced by the body can help us to bring back awareness.

"While these techniques can be beneficial, it's important to understand that for individuals with developmental trauma, building the resources needed to stay present may take time," added the Therapist.

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